System Administrator Day
When Green Aint!

I've been telling people for some time that the whole ethanol/bio-diesel thing is a joke, a really cruel joke. Turning food into motor fuel is just plain stupid. It raises the price of food products, the fuel produced is inferior(less btu per) and it's still a carbon fuel. Yes, when you burn it you create C02 and when burned in an internal combustion engine you get NO compounds too. Most people don't or won't understand that. Either they're too weak in science knowledge or too willing to listen to Al Gore.
Now I'm not against making some alternate fuels. We throw away an awful lot of material in this country that could be used to make fuels. We usually just bury it in the ground. Now taking nice clean grain is a whole lot easier, so what if you need it to make bread and tortillas. Let them eat garbage.
Here's an article that may explain better. Daily — Renewable does not mean green. That is the claim of Jesse Ausubel of the Rockefeller University in New York. Writing in Inderscience's International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology, Ausubel explains that building enough wind farms, damming enough rivers, and growing enough biomass to meet global energy demands will wreck the environment.
Science Daily — Renewable does not mean green. That is the claim of Jesse Ausubel of the Rockefeller University in New York. Writing in Inderscience's International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology, Ausubel explains that building enough wind farms, damming enough rivers, and growing enough biomass to meet global energy demands will wreck the environment.
Gotta Blame Someone...
Tan, Rested and ........
just as boring as ever. Well a little break never hurts. A few days vacation but no rest really, just go go go all the time.
So what'd I miss?
Apparently not much. Very little local blog activity. Black Dog's gone missing again (must beat that sob 'till he learns to stay - maybe a leash (hey John, just kidding)).
Bigger news??? SOS. Bush and Dick still using the constitution to wipe their asses. Congress getting nowhere. Everyone else on vacation.
Is it happy hour........
#3 - Worse Than Murder
What can I say.......
I love Moral Orel
Will It Blend?
Rubber Ducky
Sometimes a story is just too good...

They were toys destined only to bob up and down in nothing bigger than a child's bath - but so far they have floated halfway around the world.
The armada of 29,000 plastic yellow ducks, blue turtles and green frogs broke free from a cargo ship 15 years ago.
Since then they have travelled 17,000 miles, floating over the site where the Titanic sank, landing in Hawaii and even spending years frozen in an Arctic ice pack.
And now they are heading straight for Britain. At some point this summer they are expected to be spotted on beaches in South-West England.
"I don't believe my role is to replace the verdict of a jury with my own," - George W. Bush on why he signed death warrants for 152 inmates as governor of Texas.