Monday, December 20, 2004

Bah Humbug!

How's that for a curmudeonly start.
Just kidding. I actually like Christmas quite alot. (and btw, please excuse that last post where I referred to it as the holidays. It's Christmas - stop the PC and call it by it's rightful name - even if it is just secular for me).

It's all the materialism and wasting of money that gets me. I, certainly like most of us, don't need more 'stuff'. I'm a packrat as it is. Please, all that fits into my oversized two-car garage is the car. The one car. My truck remains outside. I swear I'm going to clean it real soon now.
I just need to find more time for ebay and start ridding myself of much of my 'stuff'. New Year's resolution??? To hell - tis the season - Goodwill or the likes should have it. That's the spirit -

Maybe by next year I'll return to my senses.
Be of good spirit -
hmmmmm Guiness sounds like the right spirit about now.



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